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I have been playing Elite Dangerous, an MMO game, for the past 10 years as CMDR ToCoSo and have mirrored my work as a community artist within the game. I first started making community images and game ideas and then started to write music for Elite Dangerous Youtubers as music licensing is expensive for niche creators. I have written for Turjan Starstone, The Yamiks, Commander Ascorbius, Cmdr Machine, Cmdr Spatula 007, Lave Radio, The Buur Pit, Galnet News and created intros stings and stream intros for many more. I then started writing Elite themed songs and have now written 3 albums, the last 'Galactic Radio7' is a 2 hour pastiche of fake radio stings, DJ banter (voiced by Cmdr Spatula), 19 adverts for in-game products and corporations (voiced by community cmdr's) and 23 songs all based around in-game lore and events. This album was given away as part of a Save the Children Livestream and helped to raise $11,000.

Below are some fan-made videos for different songs and ads.


Pop / Punk / Avant Garde / Indie / Filmic

Elite Dangerous: The Battle of HIP 22460

Elite Dangerous: The Battle of HIP 22460

Elite Dangerous: The Battle of HIP 22460 Featuring music by ToCoSo. Images from the frontline of humanity’s last stand against the Thargoid threat in the Inner Orion Spur, 3308. Independent pilots fight to hold back the swarm as Caleb Wycherly’s Azimuth Biochemicals finalise the construction of the Proteus Wave on the surface of planet 10b in HIP 22460. What comes next is anyone’s guess! Let us know your thoughts in the comments. (Note: the ending of this video does not come from any insider knowledge …we’re just enjoying some speculation) Go check out Cmdr ToCoSo here : ============================================ Support our work on PATREON : Or donate direct through PAYPAL: ============================================ Join and follow the Buur Pit on : Twitter: Twitter: Facebook: In Game Squadron “The Buur Pit” =========================================== #elitedangerous #elitedangerousodyssey #Thargoids elite odyssey new information, elite Dangerous, The burr pitt, Burr pit, elite dangeorus odyssey, Elite dangerous News, elite dangerous odissey, Odyssey elite, elite odissey, fleet carriers, elite dangerous exploration, elite dangerous engineering, elite dangerous horizons, elite dangerous ships, elite odyssey gameplay, Elite dangerous odyssey review, elite dangerous gameplay, elite dangerous fleet carrier jump, elite dangerous vr, elite dangerous update 13, elite news, elite dangerous ARX, elite dangrous, elite dangerous engineering, elite ===================================== Music: Tom Cook (CMDR ToCoSo)
Elite Dangerous: Touchdown | Let's Take This Odyssey Cinematic by Tom Cook & vocals by Heli

From single tracks to full radio style album community voiced.

Photoshop / Premiere Pro / After Effects / Digital Art

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